miercuri, 22 aprilie 2020

Clasa a V-a Tema: a/an -some /any sapt 22-24.04.2020

Tema     a/an -some /any manual pag 86



 a- when the word starts with a consonant ( cand cuvantul incepe cu consoana)
   ex:  a boy, a car, a book, a house
 an - when the word starts with a vowel ( cand cuvantul incepe cu o vocala)
   ex; an elephant, an owl, an egg, an umbrella

 Countable nouns( substantive care au plural)
some si any se folosesc in propozitii la plural
some - in positive sentences ( ex. There are some apples on the table.)
 any-   in  negative and question sentences( ex. There aren't any apples on the table. Are there any apples on the table?)

Uncountable nouns( Substantive fara plural)
some si any se folosesc in propozitii la singular
some - in positive sentences ( ex. There is some bread on the table. )
 any-   in  negative and question sentences( ex. There isn't any bread on the table.Is there any bread on the table?)
To read with attention the instructions in grammar
To do ex.2 and 3 from the book-page 86

 Fise de lucru  some/any

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